Saturday September 17th I ran my first marathon-26.2 miles
Top of Utah Marathon in Logan, Utah.
I was way excited and nervous to run a marathon. We have been training all summer for it but I had never ran that far before and you just never know what can happen and how you will feel during the race. We met at a park in the early morning and drove a bus up Blacksmith Fork Canyon with a bunch of other crazy people who decide to run a marathon.
My Mom, sister Courtney, and I started running it together for the first few miles.
At about mile 7 I left them because I was feeling good and found my pace and rhythm and had to go with it. I was running about 8:30 pace and was enjoying the beautiful canyon. It started sprinkling rain but I thought it was great to run in. At about mile 11 for me it starts POURING rain. It couldn't let bother me, I literally laughed out loud. Everyone was soaking wet running down this canyon. And at about mile 14 it started hailing on us. But I was still smiling! :)
Around mile 15 is when I could start feeling the lactic acid building up in my legs but it didn't start effecting me until a little after mile 18-then I could really start feeling it. Mile 20 is when it definitely started getting harder for me. Once my legs tighten up its so hard for me to run.
Jesse, Christopher, and Max barely pulled up as I was running past. |
I saw the 4:00 hour pacer guy about 100 yards away from me and I wanted to try to catch him and stay with him-I never thought I would be even close to him! But I got slower while he stayed at his steady wasn't going to happen but I didn't care what time I got I was going to be proud of myself for just finishing.
Around mile 22 it was a pleasant surprise to see my sister Candace running up the street. I hate to admit it but I got a little teary eyed because it was just when I needed someone to help me keep going. She kept me going for the next mile or 2 until I told her to go find Courtney and my Mom. Thankfully I had this sweet lady running next to me who was very enthusiastic and cheered me on. Those last miles were definitely the hardest and I just wanted to walk the rest of the way because every step my muscles were tightening up more and more. Once again this sweet lady would not let me give up she kept cheering me "don't give up", "you got this!" "keep going, we are almost there!" "you got this girl!" The last mile of the race was for sure longer than the first mile..that 0.2 of a mile is a long stretch. I told myself I wanted to smile and look happy for the picture at the end that I knew Jesse was going to take of me..which is laughable to me now because I was just focused on finishing and hoping my legs did not give out on me as a was huffing and puffing. But Wow it felt so good as a crossed that finished line at a time of 4:04. I did it!
Our cute poster our Fans made ( Jesse Christopher and Max) |
Enjoying our after marathon treats. |
Our friends running the race as well! |
We did it! After all those mornings of waking up early and going on runs with my mom-I finally ran a marathon! Big Thanks to my Mom..I definitely could not have done it without her..I am going to miss running with her in the mornings. And a Thanks to my sister Courtney who originally signed up for the marathon and convinced us to do it with her.
Jesse has been a great support with my training, running the race, and the after marathon soreness. He is my personal massager-especially for my sore feet. Now we will start exercising together again..hopefully! :)
Jesse has been a great support with my training, running the race, and the after marathon soreness. He is my personal massager-especially for my sore feet. Now we will start exercising together again..hopefully! :)