Well I fell off the journaling on here...I believe I got behind on updating and then got overwhelmed and not finding much time because life got a little crazy there for a while. (maybe-hopefully- I can go back and document a few things like Disneyland and Thanksgiving and Christmas).
Honestly once Mikaela turned 6 months (October) things just got taken up a notch with the 3 kids thing. Up until then I felt like I mentally prepared myself that 3 kids was going to be hard and busy but I really didn't feel like things were that bad and I was able to handle it ok. At 6 months she got sick and I feel like since then she's been teething and sick and then being mobile/crawling all made things a little more complicated...and I guess humbling. ha! Seriously for 3 months I feel like she was a different baby and very very needy. She was crying all day and wouldn't let me put her down and waking up multiple times a night. She got a little stomach bug twice (once for a few days while at disneyland and the other was just a day thing) and a cold but I think the teething made it the worst. Her gums were swollen for a month and then within a few weeks 7 teeth popped through all at once and within a month she had 8 teeth that all cut through the gums and once they did I felt like she now is finally not miserable anymore. Since she has been mobile and crawling she's definitely getting into things more and I have to keep on eye on her at all times but she's also a threat to Gavin so they don't quite get along this last little while. They fight over everything and Gavin is very controlling of what he wants her to be doing and playing with. So when I could finally be able to set her down and she could be happy for a while then comes along brother to upset her and she would either get hurt from him or from throwing a fit. They fight over me and my lap and seems to be competing for my attention. But I can understand Gavin and I believe its just an age thing and he'll get better here soon.
Speaking of Gavin being the middle child right now and with his pretty content personality for the most part (well at least up until now) I think between Corbin and Mikaela he's definitely been needing to compete for attention and has been acting up a bit. He still is very sweet but wants to be in control. He wants to help out but on his terms. He loves to be silly and goofy but also test his limits with how much he can get away with. He struggling with sleeping lately and fights it especially at going to bed at night. Naps with him are very unpredictable. He will fall asleep in the car before noon somedays and others days he will fight naps till after 3. Then if he takes late naps he's up late at night (like 9:30-10 and I can't force him to sleep) but if he avoids a nap all together he's pretty out of control from around 4-5 on. Oh the joys. Also the whole potty training this last month has been a roller coaster. I was kinda forced into potty training because he was acting like he really wanted to but also started to just take off his own diapers and that wasn't pretty. I have been taking a laid back approach because the 3 day thing I tried made it worse when I really focused on it and he was having more accidents now he'll go days with not having any accidents and then bam he acts like he doesn't know how to again. Super frustrating because I feel like we are too far into it as far as he knows how to all by himself and does great but if I put him back into diapers at this point it will be all confusing. I really didn't want to force potty training and I would say we are 75% there but I'm pretty sick of him pooping in his undies-I kinda wonder if its a control thing again but I am at that point I'm not sure how long it will take and hope to stop having accidents here soon. He still has his sweet side and loves to cuddle and wrestle or any physical touch!
On to Corbin. Lately he has been so good-really sweet and obedient for the most part. He seems to really want to listen and obey and please us. Of course he's still a kid and gets upset when he doesn't get what he wants or when siblings are bugging him but he does fairly well with learning how to control his feelings and talking about it instead. I feel like all my hard work and consistency is finally paying off with him and it feels so nice to see that he can be so good and sweet and that maybe I am doing something right ha! I also think its unfair that finally when he's starting to be easy and fun all the time that school will take him away from me. Gosh I'm having a really hard time thinking he will be gone all day at kintergarden come this fall but I am going to enjoy these next 7 months with him before he's gone most the day at school and take advantage of our free time of not having much! He loves his preschool and is doing really well with it. He goes to preschool 2 days a week for 3 hours at an income preschool my friend, Mrs Brittany teaches. You can tell he's not so into arts and crafts right now but I feel like he's excelling in reading! He's definitely motivated by having fun and asks us what fun things did we do while he was at school cause it worries him that he missed out. He's obsessed with star wars and legos right now but also loves building trains and blocks and still has a love of playing with cars. Its fun to see his imagination grow and be able to play by himself with his little legos. He likes to dress up and act things out as well. He keeps saying he wants to be a police man and chef when he grows up. Lately he likes to pretend to be a chef and make meals with me.
My kids definitely consume my life and sometimes I feel like I need something to do but really I don't have much time to do others things when I do get alone time I need to read (only my scriptures because I still don't totally enjoy reading) or just relax. I really want to start staying on top of journaling-with writing but also with the many videos and pictures I take. At the beginning of this year I felt like I didn't want to try to set any goals with having to eat or exercise really good but I wanted to be able to find a good balance between being healthy and present with my kids. I really want to "dehoard" (not a real word I believe) all the unneeded things and focus more on simplifying and closer to minimalism--that will definitely be a process though even though I would love to get that down over night ;)
January overview: we went to the Seaquest aquarium, took lots of baths for fun, went to parks a few times even though it was chilly but nice to be able to go still, went sledding up at Mount Charleston, lots of playing at home--the boys seem to play really well together lately which is nice, we went to the chiropractor (all of us), Mikaela slept through the night for the first time in her life (not getting up once in the middle of the night to feed) and half way through January she finally seems like she's ok again, Ruth's Chris date with just Jesse and I, changed to 1:00 church..definitely not my favorite, Jesse got a new calling in the high council, Grandpa Eddy and Candace and Vince came to visit and we went to the Japanese steak house and the museum!
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