I listen to a podcast about how we are all "so busy" which of course we know if not a good thing. We have so many things on our "to-do list" that we go to bed unsatisfied because we can never get them all done. I love how this person pointed out that we need to be making priority list instead which are based and made around what kind of person we want to become or what is truly important to us or what our ultimate goals are. All the other little things in our lives are keeping us busy and distracted from what we really need to become. I love how this played into General Conference for me this year and it came down to for me back to the talk about "good better best"-there are a lot of good things to be reading and doing and spending our time and it really isn't bad but there are so many other better things and especially the best things that we need to make sure we are doing. I think so many times I justify what I am spending my time doing because I know it is not a bad thing-studying nutrition and trying to figure out what we should eat..of course that is a smart good thing to do but when it was taking priority over scripture study and I was spending more time reading articles that just left me sometimes more confused than educated and satisfied..and I am speaking about this as in last week I was doing this. I went into Conference even hoping for an answer (and I haven't been able to listen to every talk yet so I can still receive answers to questions) but one of them was "what should I be eating?" because I feel like it consumes so much of my time lately and it really is not a good thing. I do believe we should care and think about it enough that we are taking care of our bodies but I don't think I can ever find the "right" answer because there are so many different opinions and research and studies that its always changing. Like I said, this isn't a bad thing to be reading and researching but if its taking away from things that are better to be doing than it is. The Prophet, President Nelson, challenged the women to do a 10 day fast off social media. He recently did this to the youth asking for a 7 day fast and I kinda did it but I didn't have my whole heart in it so I am trying to do much better this time. I must admit I didn't really want to and again I tried to justify saying its my way of journaling but ultimately decided I can still journal but post them after the 10 days are up then. It already hasn't been easy but it is my go to when I want to relax or when I am stressed but a few minutes here and there really do add up and I believe I was spending a lot more time on there wasting away my time. I also listen to a different podcast about how are brains really do want that high we get from that instant gratification or hearing that we got a text or a notification or a "like" but really it is not feeding our true joy-its like a drug thats just hitting the surface and we want more and more of it. She even liken it to gambling with being addictive and that put it in perspective a little more for me. Again so many good things can come from your phone with keeping in contact with people or reading and the convienence of it with how quick we are able to do some things but it also can take away from the moment you are trying to live in.
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