Monday, May 13, 2013


Motherhood is truly an amazing thing. I feel so blessed to be able to have the title of Mom. I have now almost been a mother for a year! It definitely has had its up and downs. Being a mom is not an easy thing but it is so worth it! I look at every mom I know so differently now knowing what they have done for raising there children...especially my mom with us six kids! My mom is wonder woman in my eyes. She is one strong lady that has taught me so much without even knowing. I love that we are best friends!
I love being a mom to my handsome little boy even though some days I want to pull my hair out because he hasn't stop throwing a fit or crying most the day...but its crazy how one little grin or giggle can completely melt your heart and I am flooded with gratitude to my Heavenly Father for trusting me with one of his children. I know he has given me the strength to do whatever it takes to raise my children..sometimes I have to remind myself of that though. Corbin entertains me with his fun personality and makes me smile every day. I love spending every day with my little buddy and feel so grateful to be in the situation that I can at this time. I love being a full-time professional mom! ;)

1 comment:

  1. You're very lucky. I'm excited to someday be a mom too :) and you are one great one!! Happy Mother's Day yesterday!
