Thursday, August 21, 2014

So…we have been gone a lot...

My brother said to me "I think you have been away from your house more than you have lived there" or something along those lines….and Yes I admit we have been on the go a lot since we have moved here. I have been up to Utah twice and to Cali twice and we are going to Bear Lake next week…ha! But my husband does work A LOT and I need to keep my sanity plus its summer and people are away during summer a lot-We have to get away from this heat! And we are adjusting living away from family!
So we went to California again because my Dad's new wife Lezlee's family stays at the beach for a week each year and wanted us to come if we could. I of course with a newborn did not commit to anything but I don't like to ever turn down a trip to the beach. I knew I couldn't camp out so my sister Courtney and I decided we would spend a night at a hotel and then be able to spend 2 days with them. I drove up to her house on a Thursday spent the night there then drove an hour or so to Carlsbad State beach and spent Friday night in a hotel with 4 kids….yeah we didn't sleep much. Then we drove back to her house and slept there Saturday night and drove home Sunday.
It is a little more difficult to go to the beach with a baby but doable. We just had a lot more stuff to carry down-thankfully I had people watch me struggle and help. I had Gavin in the carseat (since I knew he would sleep in that), a diaper bag, a beach bag, a canopy, and Corbin who HAD to be held as well. It was quite the site trying to walk down I don't know how many stairs down to the beach. ha!
We stayed at the beach all day long and Corbin absolutely loved it! I was worried if he would be ok there all day long but he couldn't get enough of the waves, sand, toys, and everyone who would play with him. He totally bosses around anyone who allows him to!
Sadly no pictures of Gavin because he slept most the time and he has the worst rash on his face so he wasn't looking so good for pictures! ha ha
A few weeks after we went back to Utah because my brother Matthews Farewell. Jesse had to go out of town for work on Tuesday so I figured I should just go to Utah then instead of stay home since we would be going to Utah as soon as he got home. Well the flights were like $100 more for Tuesday so I flew out on Sunday instead and spent the week in Utah (instead of just the weekend) First time flying with both kiddos and I got lucky the plane wasn't full at all so we got the extra seat and Gavin slept the whole time in the car seat! I was happy to spend the week there and help my mom prepare for the farewell and Matt leaving.
 We had my Grandpa Eddy's 75th birthday party on that Saturday and it was nice to get together with all my aunt and uncles and most of my cousins from the Eddy side.
Sunday was quite the day. My mom wanted to get some family pictures done before Matthew left since we don't have any pictures with all of us together. Well sadly Tyler didn't show up but we had to still take them. We will see how they turned out-you can't expect much with 8 kids under 5. 
Matthews farewell went well! A lot of preparation and we had way too much food! haha but better more than not enough-its hard to know how much when your feeding 100+ people! He is going to be a good missionary! I can't believe he is going to South Korea and is going to learn how to speak Korean! crazy! Sure hope he is doing well-it has been a week now since he left. His mission will be so good for him!
I made this subway art for display at my moms house with his mission picture!
We decided that it was a good time to bless Gavin since the family would be around for Matt's Farewell. Sadly the Bishop in my brother's ward didn't want us to bless him during sacrament meeting (we still don't really know why for sure) but so we bless him that evening at the Jensen's home. I felt bad because it seems like just one more thing happening that weekend when really we thought it would be nice to be able to have a lot of my family there but of course most couldn't stay till that evening so it didn't really work out-but it was at least nice to have our immediate family there and grandparents (instead of doing it in Vegas)
My mom sewed his cute blessing outfit! She doesn't sew much so it took her a while but it turned out so cute and I am so happy she takes on the challenge so that we can have the special blessing outfit made my Grandma! (especially when she has been so busy with so many other things!) I loved it!
We got the opportunity before we left back to Vegas to go to the Ogden Temple open house. It is gorgeous! One of the first things you see is the baptismal font. Corbin is always asking "whats that" lately so I of course told him and then he saw a picture of Jesus being baptized and asked as well what it was. The rest of the tour Corbin just kept saying "Baptize! Jesus Baptize!" It was so bright and hot when we came out and made it a little difficult but we hurry and snapped a few pictures! And then of course had to go get some ice cream at Farrs…Corbin might have completely stained his shirt.
After the temple we came back and packed all of our things and flew home! I must say being able to visit so much lately has made it not so bad living away….but I think reality will hit here soon when I don't get to see our families nearly as often. But it will also be good to finally be here long enough to get to know our ward and get in a routine here!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

A failure.

You know those days where you just feel like a failure in every know that you can be a better mom, a better wife, a better sibling, a better friend, a better member of the know that you need to straighten out your priorities of being more patient, being more spiritual, being less selfish, and stop complaining everyday but then your lacking the energy and motivation to make necessary steps to improve or youre just so overwhelmed with how much you need to change you don't even know where to start? Yeah....that's how I feel today. I sure hope change for the better can happen soon....

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Month one and two for Gavin

Well I officially know now that the second child just doesn't get nearly as much attention as the first. Gavin is getting a little neglected in his updating and to tell you the truth just stuff in everyday life…sad I know but that just how it goes I guess. I really wanted to make sure to keep up on updating his growth and development and just fun things about him but I must say it is a lot harder with two kids. I am just not finding the time to sit down on my computer and write something up. But Gavin is laying on my chest sleeping..ish right now and Corbin is sitting right next to me as I try to entertain him with the kindle and tv but of course he just wants my attention. ha!
So short and sweet Gavin at one month: I got another child who spits up a lot…sadly. He isn't as uncomfortable as Corbin was and thankfully doesn't cry/fuss nearly as much. He does grunt like crazy in the mornings which is pretty annoying because half the time he's asleep but grunting so loud that I can't sleep-and I tried putting him in a different room but then he would just cry-couldn't quite figure it out! A tired mama in the morning is not a very happy mama though….We had our rough days where he didn't sleep and I feel like he was fussing most the day but overall not too bad. I just had spit up on me all the time and we both smell like spit up. Sadly he gets it caught in his neck rolls…yes he has a neck it just hides most the time behind his double chin. By one month old he had slept 6 straight hours at night a couple times. He doesn't have much hair but in the back and the sides more than the top. He barely was fitting into his newborn size diapers and clothes by one month. Can't tell who he really look like….I just say he looks like a typical Caucasian newborn baby! Some days I see a little bit of Jesse or me and sometimes I think he looks like Corbin so I don't know? ha It will be interesting to see who he looks like because he is changing always so much everyday! And he learned how to scowl from day one!
Gavin at 2 months: My boy is sure growing. He might spit up still a good amount but he is chunking out quite a bit and growing way too fast! I do feel like the spit up is slowing down but he still does all day long! I think he has just learned how to swallow it sometimes now before it comes all the way out-it's sad when he starts choking on it cause it just keeps coming up! :( He also has had really sensitive skin. Around 6-8 weeks old he got a way bad rash on his face I thought it was a little baby acne but it spread and got worse. I changed detergent and that might have helped a little but I also think it was some heat rash too! It did spread all over his body but he got it the worst in his poor face! He then got cradle cap on his eye brows and they crusted over and a little on his head. Poor kid wasn't lookin so good for pictures ha ha! And no one warned me that your second child grows faster! He's already out of the small newborn stage I feel like! :( He is growing out of clothes so fast! (some of the cute outfits he only wore once :( ) and I was quite disappointed when I couldn't button up his shirt for him to wear a bow tie to church....He is now in size 2 diapers (I bought too many size one thinking he would be in them longer-bummer) He has had a handful of blowouts. But he has some cute rolls on his upper legs that you only get the opportunity to see if you change his diaper! ;) He is a great sleeper I feel like (I am comparing to Corbin though who at 2 months was still feeding/waking up every 2 hours around the clock). Gavin has gone 8-9 hours now at night! and a few times throughout the day slept up to 6 hours-in his car seat…he sleeps so well in there and its great when we have to run errands! He does love to be held still though! And he's kinda a mamas boy right now-but just cause he knows where his food/comfort comes from. He nuzzles in head into my arm while I am holding him and I feel like he won't be able to breathe but that is what he always does when I am holding him and trying to put him to sleep. He falls asleep usually with a binky right now-loves to suck. Which at the beginning I confused with being hungry-I did the same with Corbin but I feel like I know for the most part now when he is hungry or when he is just tired. Still no set routine I feel like besides eating usually every 3-4 hours during the day. Everyday is a bit different with how much he is awake and asleep but still sleeps most the day I guess most days. I usually try to get him down for the night somewhere between 8-9 now and I feel like he's up around 6:30am but that might just be cause Corbin is. But like I said not really a schedule yet-different everyday. He has smiled for me a few times now-love when they start smiling. But he definitely knows how to pull the cutest sad face! And he has a cry that just breaks your heart because it sound like he is just so offended and hurt. He can look so big and chubby (and goofy) in some pictures with his double chin!