Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Christmas came and went by...it seemed quite fast this year. I guess it does every year. I love this time to spend with family...especially Jesse-He gets a little over a week off and its so great to have him home every day with us. Corbin took full advantage of it and smothered Jesse sometimes-and even sometimes didn't want me around him and Jesse. Ha! I have been putting doing a little post about the holidays though just because I don't really want to for some reason but I know its good to have! I need to be better about taking pictures at our "parties" but I tend to forget! We had a little party with my mom and siblings and did our 3 gift exchange and ate and played games! We had the Haw's party and got our gifts from Grandma and Grandpa and had the "white elephant" gifts. We had the Jensen party out in Plain City with Santa-Corbin defeinitely knows who Santa is and was even happy when he walked into the room but when he sat down on his lap he wasn't too sure what was going on and seemed a bit nervous and just wanted the gift, He definitely learned this year that a present means you up wrapped it and there is a toy inside. Christmas Eve we went out to lunch with the Jensen's then headed over to my Dad side Christmas party and then back to the Jensen's for a little gift exchange. We tend to go back and forth between family when we live close to everyone right now. Christmas was laid back-open a few gifts at home then spent the day with the family.
A few pictures from the around the holidays.
people sometimes wonder where Corbin gets his dimples...well there mine is coming out. ha!
We made sure to go see the lights...goodness it was cold.
Corbin unsure about his feelings towards sitting on Santa's lap.
Happy with the present though
Grandpa and Grandma Jensen
Corbin loved the PiƱata and didn't really want to do the whole "taking turns"
The little boys running around at Joy Luck...kinda felt bad for the other costumers.
Corbin helping me shuffle the driveway....can we be done with the snow now that the holidays are over?!..
Corbin loved wearing his santa hat.

Eating out for the holidays. First time to Texas de Brazil...quite tasty and not even comparable to those other brazilian places.
New years Eve...the most "partying" we did was just go out with our friends Todd and Tricia. I decided to spurge a bit and buy myself a pina colada....once Corbin had one taste he was not going to share or give it back...
My two silly boys cheesing it.
We are excited for this new year....I'm a little anxious to know what it will bring and where we will be...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Bitter-Sweet Love/Hate

A few things lately that I guess I can say I have a little love/hate relationship with. Of course first on my mind is my pregnancy. I must say I feel great for the most part-energy is still low some days but I am blaming that more on all the sugar I have been eating. So I love the 2nd trimester since overall I tend to feel better but I hate it because I am in the frumpy stage. Ugh. Once again holiday eating does not help my love handles that are growing at a freakishly fast rate. Most pregnant women have to go through this stage of just looking fat--well its kinda depressing for me right now. I am pretty extra hard on myself knowing that I could have been eating better.
Another little love/hate relationship is Corbin's love for the t.v. I didn't want him to be a child who watches a lot of movies or t.v. I really like to try to limit how much he watches knowing its not the best activity for him to be doing. But lately he has really learned to love watching movies (since we really don't have t.v.) I must say I think its kinda cute that he gets so excited to watch something-his favorite right now is the movie "Cars" he seriously could watch it everyday. And if we are at Grandma/pa Jensens he wants to watch "mouse" which is Mickey Mouse. I usually can distract him at home and start playing with toys or do something else and he forgets about it but some days he is persistent. But really he starts playing with his toys and doesn't just sit and watch the movie and do nothing else for too long. And again it is really nice if he can just sit down and be distracted and I can get a few things done-I just can't let him for too long cause I start to feel guilty. Gotta love how moms can be hard on ourselves for certain things.
Lastly...another bitter sweet thing happening...well Jesse has been wanting to get a new car-especially since we are having a second child. I haven't been in a rush and am really having a hard time thinking about saying goodbye to the tacoma. :( but the time has come. My sister was selling her Acadia-which Jesse has always love that car. Knowing its coming from my sister and we know how they treated their car it was a good opportunity to "upgrade" to a more family friendly car. I know I will appreciate and love the car-my sister had a hard time saying goodbye to it-I know it will be an easier and better car for having two kids I just love my truck. Goodbye Tacoma-you will be missed. Hello Acadia-which has much better upgrades I must add.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Well the news is out!

Corbin is going to be one cool big brother! ( I snapped this picture at the hospital right after my appt yesterday-He wouldn't take off his sunglasses and wouldn't let go of the ultrasound pictures so I thought it would be a good time to try to take a photo of him-and it worked out great!)
Well...I couldn't keep it a secret from everyone else much longer...my family had to know basically right away. (I am not good at lying) If anyone asked they knew because I can't lie very well about it-and I didn't care too much at that point if people know. And if you have seen me lately you probably could have guessed because I have gain plenty of weight already...and not just baby weight. sadly. Thats just what happens when you feel like crap...you eat like crap. (just eating a bunch of carbs-love/hate relationship)
Man oh man we had some rough weeks around here! Sickness started at 6 weeks but wasn't too bad..then 7 weeks it got a little worse and by 8 weeks I wanted to die. But I am almost positive I got the flu or something else as well. I was so sick one day...thankfully it was a Saturday and I was rescued by my mother. I just cried from being in pain and exhausted. I was so so dizzy!! That was the first day I actually threw up as well. It takes a lot for me to throw up...but thats also what makes me feel like I had something else as well. And the fact that I woke up with the whole body achy and sore..my neck was extremely stiff and it was pregnancy sickness to another level. Most the time I lay around all day feeling nauseous but pretty sure I wont throw up...just have that awful feeling all day. The joy of pregnancy sickness...yeah I don't call it morning sickness when it is all day. I have definitely felt a lot of love from Jesse, my Mom, and other friends that have helped or check in on me. No need to keep pregnancy a secret when you are in survival mode some days. 
Hate to sound so negative about being pregnant when really I am very happy about it! I feel very blessed. We did have to try for a few months and I got that tiny tiny glimpse of what infertility could feel like...not comparing at all since I know people have to try for years and years and some still are not successful...my heart aches but I know Heavenly Father is in charge and has a plan for everyone. So to complain about being sick being pregnant, I feel like I am being ungrateful. I mostly document it for journaling purposes because I tend to forget and with my next I will probably say the same-that I don't remember being this sick and tired! ha!....and to of course remember the love I feel from others...and to hopefully be reminded to help others out if needed at that time in there lives. 
Thankfully around week 9-10 I started feeling better again. Still have rough days or moments but I was functional again! ha! I still had to eat just a sleeve of saltine crackers cause nothing else sounds good and I was starving. That I think might be one of the craziest symptoms to me because I have always loved food. Love to eat! But it sure changes there for a while. If I find something that sounds good or taste good (usually something not so healthy) then I don't have a problem eating. But it was mostly all the food in my house made me sick to think about. Makes feeding Corbin hard as well.
But I feel pretty good now for the most part! Can't complain at all now. I actually wrote most of this when I was about 10 weeks because if I would have written it right now I would not have sounded as dramatic about being sick because I haven't been lately and thankfully I kinda forget about it. But we are excited to have another baby join our crazy family-official due date June 14, 2014! :)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Baby Jesus

A month or so ago I tried to teach Corbin who Jesus was with the pictures in our house and a statue. When I first taught him who Jesus was he thought any bearded man was basically Jesus but I think he now knows a little better. When we go to church and walking through the halls he will point to the different pictures hanging up and say "Jesus!" We also have a little childrens bible book..and he only likes to read the page with Jesus on it.  I know I can't really teach him much about Him at this age but I am happy that he can recognize Him and have interest in Him. Now the last couple days he has really liked the Little People Nativity set we have. But he is mostly obsessed with little baby Jesus. He was anxious to get out of bed this morning-as he usually is to hurry and go down stairs and eat. (he takes after me-I have to eat basically right when I get up) but today he skipped the kitchen and said "Jesus!" "baby" and pointed to the Nativity. The first thing he wanted to do was go play with baby Jesus! Proud mama here!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

more laundry?

Well...I have come to a conclusion..not one I am necessarily wanting to admit (cause who likes to admit their weaknesses?) but it is what it is. 
 I get easily overwhelmed. 
I really don't know why or what causes it but I am hoping from admitting it maybe I can be able to work on it?... I know the simple answers to help..."take one thing at a time" "don't try to do everything at once" "you don't have to be a superstar in every area of your life" "baby steps" etc etc. Those things do help...but not quite fixing my problem. I have been like this for some time I am afraid (not just these past months-but definitely has gotten worse I feel like) I don't know why the little things I need to do turn into being overwhelming and then sometimes I dread them. Or I have come to a conclusion that I am sick of doing dishes and laundry every day? Its just not my thing....Ya know its just easier to sit around and be lazy I guess. ugh I sounds horrible. I need to get out of this rut. Sometimes I say that I am too hard on myself and then other days I say I need to be harder and push myself. I guess I need to find a happy medium. ok vent is over-maybe I should start on this laundry...ok maybe just one basket for now. ;)

Friday, November 29, 2013


I had a lovely mother moment today. I was in Salt Lake and decided to go to City Creek for just a bit for Corbin to play at the food court since we had been out shopping. We play there for 30 minutes or so and then I realized I hadn't changed his diaper for a while so I checked it and while doing so got a little poop on me...ugh. You think you learn not to check that way...ha! I hurried and took him to the bathroom but had to wait a bit to get a changing table. I changed his really full diaper and feel a lot better until I realize I didn't have any diapers left....Oh shoot!! I am by myself at the mall in Salt Lake....uh. I panic and then see a little vending machine thing that said diaper kit. What the heck comes in a diaper kit?! Would a diaper even come or just wipes? What size of diaper would it even be if it did come? Well at this point I was desperate and decided I might has well buy a diaper kit and see. I search for some quarters and go to put them in to find out the machine is jammed...hmm well no diaper kit for us. I put Corbin pants back on and let him go commando..until I can go to a grocery store or something around there and buy some diapers. I was tempted to ask a random stranger but didn't have it in me..not worth it. Frazzled, I hurried to the car and rush through the parking garage to get out and find a store. Now Salt Lake for some reason makes me so anxious. I get nervous driving the street and I hardly ever do. I don't know my way around and I hate the one way street and the trax driving right next to you..and I hate paying for parking. It all just makes me nervous..since I don't do it often. I call Jesse at work to ask him to help me find something cause I have no idea where to go...plus the business and traffic doesn't help. He help direct me to a street that had a few options. I pull into smiths still in a rush because of course Corbin could pee any second if he hasn't already and I certainly didn't have any extra clothes with me. I go to get him out of the car and there sitting on the seat right next to him is a big box of diapers from Sams Club that I bought a few days ago. Wow. Are you serious!? Well how convenient I guess. ha! So I hurried and changed him right there in the parking lot. If I wasn't in such a panic and rush when I put Corbin in the car I would have notice them big as day sitting next to him! At least he was still dry! :) First time in his 18 month life he had to go commando...and hopefully the last! At least in public! ;) I couldn't be the first to do this!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Yes another post about my child--cause he's 18 months old

Yes, I now know that for some people reading post after post about your child isn't that entertaining and you just seem overly obsessed or something...but well..sadly not a whole lot goes on around here besides hanging out with my buddy and its gotta be journaled. ;)
Corbin is not a baby anymore...he is 18 months now. And seriously this past little while he has been doing things that make him seem more and more like a little boy. People have mention that he is starting to look more like a little boy now too. Just the fact that he can now play by himself for a while now. He grabs a few cars and rolls them all over the couch and furniture. And just little things he does while he plays, its just so cute for me to watch him. I know its not a big deal and I will hate it soon enough but he will actually sit down and watch a little bit of a movie -which has been a lifesaver when we have been a little sick around here. He now understands a lot of things I say and surprisingly obeys for the most part. He is starting to talk a little more as well. Copying what I say mostly but definitely has learned a few more words that he says pretty consistently. He seriously has the funniest face expressions still and makes me laugh. He loves to be thrown around and wrestle. He loves to read books still and definitely has an opinion with which ones we read-he likes to choose. I have to remind myself sometimes that it is good for him to read. He is a very cuddling boy still and I will take it as long as I can. Like I last mention he is very sweet and will almost always give you a kiss when asked. He has to be sung to in order to go to bed lately...and is a little spoiled and makes sure that I rub/tingle is leg or hair or face. He also can't take a bath my himself...yes he showers with Jesse or I and loves to just sit back and play with his toys in the tub while we shower.
We just went to the doctors and sadly he has an ear infection...but surprisingly he hasn't really been acting up or fussy-so I am lucky but also glad we caught it. (Jesse also has one right now-did I mention we have had our share of sickness this past little while) I sure hope we aren't going to have one after another this winter again since last winter he had 3. The doctor says he looks like he is eating great...and even suggested to make sure he is eating healthy snacks because we don't want him to gain too much weight. I told him my boy loves to eat all day-and sadly he might be doomed with weight problems (from his parents) but we will try our best. I try to limit him to one string cheese a day since some days he begs for it all day long. ha! He also mention that if he doesn't hit a growth spurt in his teenage years its looking like he will be staying around the 10th percentile for height. I have hope for him.

I take too many pictures that it actually now overwhelms me...because I don't know what to do with all of them. Most of really bad quality I know as well. But heres a bunch of random ones from the past little while.
way fuzzy since it was from far away..but he just got right up there and laid down on the pillow to watch the movie.
He likes to play on the piano...which is still just sitting in our garage..
learning to be goofy from his cousin Max..which is the only cousin name is can say right now.
He really loves to dip his food into any type of dip...or just get the dip with his hands..
and then once his hands aren't doing the trick he just drinks it.
Jesse fit him into a 6-9 month sweater onsie thing..
trying out the beds at the store.
after pouring his soup all over his head he then decides to dig for something better...one attractive child I have.
playing with cardboard and put it around his head.
he loves to play on the toys at the store...no need to put money in it. He is happy pretending.
somedays he gets obsessed with this hat and puts it on and off by himself.
glasses from Halloween laying around that he insisting on wearing for a while.

playing in the leaves with his cousins. Another lesson we have learned from owning our first home-we don't really care for big trees in our yard.

Friday, November 15, 2013

My sweet boy

As much as I hate being waken up a night...seriously I need my sleep...but lately Corbin has been "needing" us at night. I go into his room and he immediately stops crying but wants to get out of his crib. I am trying not to make any bad habits so I know I have to be careful. One night I was so tired (and sick) that I took him out and we laid on the floor together. He is OBSESSED with pillows and always wants to lay on one. But he now will lay down but then start to sing a little bit like.."aaa" and then say please. Which he is asking me to sing to him. I think it is the sweetest thing...because most people know I can not sing at all. But I have always sang to Corbin to calm him down and he now has learn to find comfort in it. My go to songs are: You Are My Sunshine, I am a Child of God, I Love to See the Temple, and recently A Child's Prayer. Last night I didn't want to take him out of his crib so I just said you need to lay down and then I will sing to you..he immediately did and just laid there as I sang. If I stopped singing he would look up and make sure I was there and then would ask me to sing again. As much as I am so tired it melts my heart...that is the only reason why I stayed in there longer than 40 minutes and laid on his ground and just sang to him in the middle of the night. The things we do for our sweet children.
Also one day when I was feeling awful...like so sick I couldn't really do anything besides lay on the couch. I feel so bad because he wants me to play with him so bad. I was on the verge of tears and he just came up to me and gave me a kiss. I smiled and he gave me another one and then look at me and smile and then give me a few more. It was the sweetest thing..like he was trying to take care of me. Corbin kisses are the best. It sweet moments like this that I never want to forget! :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween stuff

I have been meaning to get to this post but Corbin and I have had a rough week with both of us being sick and I am hoping it will get better real soon. I am going to admit I still struggle wanting to dress up for Halloween...I love all the Halloween festivities and getting together with friends and family but when it comes to dressing up...ugh. I just hate to think of things and go buy something or whatever. I didn't have a costume picked out for Corbin but my Mom and sister found a cookie monster costume they all loved and bought it for him...so I was going to try to go with the monster theme. We found a Monster Inc. Sulley Costume for Jesse and I had...nothing.

We had a Halloween party at my moms house for our Sunday dinner and had my mom Potato Cheese Soup which is tradition for Halloween! We also carved pumpkin...which I am still way into doing and Jesse I think just does it to make me happy..ha so nice of him! :) But I forgot to take a picture of them..opps. But I did get a picture of everyone in their costumes...pretty good looking. We had the police officer costume I wore in the garage-It was Jesse's brother's old costume. Sexy...
I went to Farmington Station with my sister Brooke and her kids and my Mom. They had Halloween activities going on for kids and then a little trunk r treating at that stores...but our kids were actually more interested in playing on the park..either way it was good to get out! I actually found Corbin a gorilla costume that I could not pass up! ha!
We had a ward truck r treat...which I guess I ward hasn't done it in a long time and finally someone convinced them we have enough children in the neighborhood to do it I guess?! ha! That was Corbin's first time experiencing it..and of course at first he didn't understand but then realized each car was giving him candy. He would take the candy and then go sit on the curb and just want to eat it right there. He probably had a little too much candy...possibly a factor in why he is sick now...? But he definitely enjoyed it. 

We had a little friend Halloween Party the Monday before Halloween. We had people come in there costumes and had soup in bread bowls and hung out in our garage and played games! And I stole my moms pirate costume..so i didn't have to be the lovely cop again. ha
He asked for a banana....how fitting..
shark meets gorilla
I didn't get pictures of everyone but at least got everyone in the group picture! :)
Tuesday is when Corbin and I went down hill....so by the time Halloween was actually here I was kinda burned out and didn't have the energy to really care about it...sadly. And I had already had Corbin dress up 4 other times before! But we got invited to go hang out with the Bullards. They invited friends over but it ended up being all the Bullards and their spouses and then Jesse and I and Corbin. ha! It was good to get out and be together with all of them! They let us ride the spooky Cherry Hill tractor..which I was impressed by the scenes of skeletons!
Overall it was a successful Halloween year...and I am exhausted now.